
One of my favorite things about eating Paleo is that I don't have to go out and buy a ton of ingredients to make a tasty meal. When Jay and I were eating light, I would look up an entree and a couple of side dishes in one of my light cookbooks, and then compile a shopping list that would fill a page and empty my wallet. There's not a lot of flavor in a low-fat, low-calorie diet, so the addition of lots of spices and a variety of textures helps some.

I find Paleo cooking easier to shop for and prepare, and less expensive (more about that in a future post). All I need is some tasty meat and fresh vegetables along with a little fruit to make a delicious, satisfying Paleo-perfect meal. The fat provides the hearty flavor I crave without pouring on lots of other spices, and the fruit finishes things off with a little something sweet.

When inspiration fails me, I scan one of the cookbooks I've bought since switching to Paleo: Dr. Loren Cordain's The Paleo DietThe Primal Blueprint Cookbook by Mark Sisson, or Sally Fallon's Nourishing Traditions.

For further exploration, Cynthia at PaleoChix has posted a compilation of Paleo cookbooks.

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